
Malunggay Is Dubbed As A Miracle Tree! Here Are The Amazing Benefits That You Probably Didn’t Know!

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Malunggay or “moringa” has been hailed as a “miracle tree” because it has lots of good benefits that are often overlooked or underestimated by people. Malunggay is present in lots of Filipino dishes such as tinola, binakol, and chicken or beef-based soups.
Read and Digest reported one of the most relevant and healthy benefits of the miracle plant. According to them, the reason why it’s called a “miracle tree” is because its leaves contain fats, proteins, carotenoids, vitamin C, iron, potassium, and other essential nutrients.
The source noted: “The flowers, roots, leaves, and bark of the tree have been used as nutritional supplements and are also used in the manufacture of cosmetics, perfumes, and skin oils.”
They also reported that hidden in the leaves of the malunggay tree are chemical compounds that are alleged to possess biochemical effects that could greatly benefit our health. These compounds can fight off atherosclerosis and heart disease, potentially boost the immune system, and greatly help the body with its antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant, and “tumor-suppressive effects.”
Here is a rundown of the most relevant health benefits of the malunggay plant:
1. Its leaves are high in fiber.
Fiber is known to help with digestion and acts as a “cleanser” so that any excess waste is washed away from your intestines. If you want to clean your digestive system, make malunggay a regular part of your diet.



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